
oh oh oh domino

just another environmental report. it paints a rather bleak picture with regards to species extinction. really though, what do i care if a species i will never contact is taken from the planet? about the only bright side to this report is the year 2050. i have to suspect that without global changes in both idealology and practice, some of the endangered species perhaps may outlast humans. ah, maybe we will just get lucky.


Blogger bkk said...

I was amazed. You really couldn't tell that the guy who watched the yellow car careen out of control towards him had soiled himself.

4/17/2006 4:30 PM  
Blogger bkk said...

Oh yeah. I forgot. Dominoes are stupid.

4/17/2006 4:31 PM  
Blogger Imperial Aggressor said...

Question: Why didn't the extinction report mention anything about the death of America's sense of smug superiority? That's gotta be dead by 2050 too, right?

4/18/2006 3:55 PM  

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