
lots of cleanup needed

i am back...maybe. i had to delete a lot of posts due to broken links, pictures...etc..and i have a lot of cleaning up to do around the site, but we will see how blogging 2.0 goes.


it is just marketing, but...

it sure does look nice. this is exactly the reason one has to respect apple. they could have simply built a typlical brick and mortar store-front somewhere in manhattan. instead, they constructed a 32 foot glass cube with a suspended apple logo as the DOOR to the store located below. on 5th avenue. flanked by bergdorf goodman's and the plaza hotel. one can say whatever one wants concerning apple and the products they offer, however, there can be no doubt that apple is the unrivaled master with regards to the process of convincing (see mind control) the masses that they need to have those very products. for those still not convinced, feel free to check out the opening for yourself. if you have still not come to your senses and given in to apple's desires to purchase their goods, i hear they have a plan for you.


just because

practical fishkeeping: a title unto itself. how can i not post something from a site that envelops the mind and navigates through an endless void of wonderment? 90? just imagine the horror.


oh oh oh domino

just another environmental report. it paints a rather bleak picture with regards to species extinction. really though, what do i care if a species i will never contact is taken from the planet? about the only bright side to this report is the year 2050. i have to suspect that without global changes in both idealology and practice, some of the endangered species perhaps may outlast humans. ah, maybe we will just get lucky.

what, behind the rabbit? it is the rabbit.

since he is on holiday today, we are all free from his vicious unrelenting attacks, but come tomorrow...heed my warning as he is the most foul, cruel, and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on, with a vicious streak a mile wide. he's a killer!


he's an easy lover. he's like no other. ho.

the lord of the rings. an epic trilogy brought to us by j.r.r. tolkien during the first half of the twentieth century. the ulimate quest. the ultimte battle between good and evil. the ultimate chronicle of stewardship of the earth. a band of brothers, if you will, before its time. it was a sad day indeed when i happened to stumble across this last week while engaing in some arduous television surfing. not that there is anything wrong with it. i'm just saying.

grey pilgrim. incanus. mithrandir. olorin. tharkun. gandalf. he goes by many names, but there is no mistaking, there is and there can be only one. hmmm, that sounds familiar some how. regardless, i do not think this is what j.r.r. had envisioned.

lastly, since we are discussing an english work, i suppose i can tie this story, albeit ever loosely, to our discourse. i leave you simply with a thunderous chant of 'thundercats, thundercats, ho.'